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Busy Week!

A busy week awaiting for me.....

Monday - Due Chemistry Project

Tuesday - Due CBE damn difficult homework

Wednesday - Presentation for Chemistry Project

Thursday - CBE Midterm

I'm doing my chemirty project paper now!

Wish me luck people! I'll update my blog with more exciting activities on this coming Friday ( USA TIME ZONE!)

By the way, I had a really nice chat with Jaye and Khen! Love you guys!

9 people were enlightened!

When Thanks Giving dinner arrived earlier......

Thanks giving is just around the corner! YEAH, this means holidays is getting nearer! Boooo, this also evinces that FINALS are getting closer and closer! Screw the worries for finals, Let's celebrate first!

Hui Theng invited me to a thanks giving dinner held by a local church. When I heard about thanks giving dinner, juicy cooked turkey flashed in my mind! Mash potatoes with creamy sauce conquered my brain! WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My friend and I were sat at table 5 with our cool table host - Jessica!

She has a gargantuan purse which we can find a lot of stuffs! When I say a lot of stuffs, I meant A LOT OF STUFFS! TRUST ME!

Don't you find this table candle lamp adorable???????

The Thanks giving dinner was began by a welcoming speech from the emcee of the night!

bla bla bla.......

The climax of the dinner! FOOD----- TURKEY------

Dozens of pies! You name it, you get it!

The chronicles of an empty plate!

It started as an empty plate. then it was filled with a bread!

Cranberry sauce and Mash potatoes!

Meat stuffs and green peas!

TURKEY! TURKEY TURKEY! A dish which you must have for thanks giving!

I took the huge turkey drumstick!!!!!

See how big it was! It is now in my stomach!

I was starving! here I come, you 'petite' drumstick! ARRRRRRRRRRRR

After such a heavy main dish! It was time for dessert! Pumpkin pie, apple, pie, blueberry pie, pineapple pie........... PIES!

I prefer the chocolate, pumpkin, apple and blueberry pies! They tasted heavenly good!

After being a hungry monster, we were enlightened with a short yet informative presentation about thanks giving!

After the 'interesting' presentation! we proceeded to our making and decorating turkey game!

Our group which group members who were creative produced a wonderful turkey!

Turkey GAGA!

Just See how GAGA it Was!


Undoubtedly, we won the competition! Everyone loves GAGA!

We took a group picture with most of the people who attended the dinner!

Next up: The spontaneous trip!

Jessica was talking about Newmoon enthusiastically, she was surprised that we have not gotten a change to watch any movies here in Madison! Since she's a die hard fans of newmoon! She asked us to join her for a movie right after the dinner!

Here we go newmoon! My another virgin trip in Madison! MOVIES~~~~~~~

Of course, the girls were super duper excited with it because of Jacob and Edward! Yeah, they are hot! But the movies was just so so for me!

I had another great night here in Madison! Thanks to Jessica and Peter for giving us a ride to the cinema and back to our apartment! Thanks a lot! Will definitely go for more movies in the future! By the way, popcorn here are sold in a REALLY EXPENSIVE PRICE! 14 bucks! I miss MALAYSIA popcorn which costs less and taste better with Caramel!

Before I end this entry, I would like to wish three of my buddies Happy Birthday! Too bad, I'm not in Malaysia! If I were in Malaysia, I would have celebrated it with you guys! OWwwww.... Miss you guys so so much!

My lami gang! David Happy birthday!

Jaye's BF! wuahahahahahaha My buddy as well! Alex Happy birthday! Have a blast one!

Ngat Zai ah Ngat Zai! Happy Birthday and be good as usual! wuahahahahahahahaha


*Will update my blogs with more activities int he future........ Bye!

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My Virgin Fishing Trip!

Last Saturday, I should have gone for a football game! However, I went for my virgin fishing trip instead! I'm still glad that the badgers have won another match against Michigan! I heard that the badgers lost to Michigan last year, but we came back with the score 40 something over 20 something! (Sorry about the confusion of the scores!)

Let's start with my fishing trip! My dad might be mad when he found out that I went fishing. I remember when he asked me to hoop on his boat for over ten years! But, I never follow his wish! Sorry daddy!

Met up with Boon Lee, Sam, Deb and K.C. at Memorial Union! Hui Chin and I were a little bit late, sorry for that!

After seeing a few road kills and missing the junction, we finally arrived at Century Trout Farm!

We were warmly welcomed by Goofy the friendliest dog!

We were really excited to become fishers! Once we stepped on trout's farm, we walked directly to the pond!

Again, we were welcomed by two beautiful white swans! Though they were pretty, they weren't friendly at all! Don't go too close to them as they will break your fingers! lol

Before we started to fish the fishy! We set up table for our fishy picnic.....

Mark, who is the owner of the farm, came with his green truck which excites me! Guess what, I did not drive the truck! I would want to do so if I could!

Mark explained the ways in becoming a fisher!

Let's start Kia Tzun's fishing lesson!

1st: Use worms as your baits!

2nd: Break them into three or more parts (So that you can make more baits! Cheapskate!)

3rd: Hook your baits!

4rd: Throw it out to the pond and patiently wait for the STUPID fish to get hooked!

5th: If you're lucky enough, you will get to catch a fish in just a few seconds!

6th: The most disgusting and violence part of fishing is to unhook the fish! You will need to pull it out if the hook is way inside the fishy's body! EWWWWWWWW

7th: Then, put the fishy into a pail which is filled with water!

8th: The last step, clean the inert part of the fishy and you're ready to cook it!

I really need to thank Deb for frying the fishy! It tasted really good!

We had other dishes as well, the vegetable curry, Mexican fried rice, dumplings, potatoes salad, and of course the fresh fried fishy!

After having such wonderful lunch! It was time for cam whoring!

I found this petite tree interesting! It's like a small size of Christmas tree!

Then, I found a really gargantuan one!

Besides, dogs, cats and swans! They have horses as well!

The swans and I...........

Leaning on a tree...............

Pondering beside the magnificent lake...............

To conclude my virgin fishing trip:

Sam caught three fishes!

Hui Chin caught three fishes

I caught three fishes!

Boon Lee Fam caught three fishes ( She caught her first one after 8 attempts!)

And the winner goes to K.C. who caught 25 fishes! A round of applause to K.C.!

A group picture with Max and Deb!

I had a good time fishing in Fall season which the weather was just nice! Thanks Boon Lee Fam for inviting me for the trip! Thanks Deb for the dishes and the ride! And thanks Max for cleaning the fishes and teaching us ways to fish!

I'm loving my life in Madison..........................