Halloween! Freak Fest at Mad City!

Halloween 2009 at Mad City! Before I start writing my blog, let me introduce the history of Halloween. The name Halloween is a short way of saying All Hallow's Eve, the night before All Saints' Day. The rest of the history, you guys can just google it!

Can't wait to share my eye opening Halloween experiences here in Madison.

First Station: The Haunted House!

Unlike Haunted Houses in Malaysia, Haunted House in Madison is far better even though it was organized by college students. The make up, environment, theme, and the most importantly -- GHOST-- are unbeatable! I did not realize that I can take pictures of it! Therefore, I could only manage to take some of it! (Its actually two pictures!)

The theme was the crazy laboratory of H1N1!

Poor thing, she was sacrificed for the sake of Haman's health!

This guy is more to Zombie than Ghost!

Just look at the probes and make up, Madison students are awesome!

The highlight: Freak Fest at Mad Town 2009!

The annual Freak Fest had finally come, thank goodness! Before coming to the States, I heard rumors from the seniors about the craziness things happened in this event!

Everyone is expected to dress up for this event! Well, in such a hurry, I couldn't find a suitable costume for myself. Thus, I decided to put some make up on my face!

And here's how the story goes..................

A handsome, hot young man was found dead in his house.....

He was murdered by his EVIL HOUSEMATE who envies his prettiness and 'handsomeness'!

You can see his evil housemate laughing after killing this poor young man.

When this young was still alive, he loved party! Even though, he's dead, he still wanna go for party!

Freak Fest 2009! You won't miss it even if your dead!

People with bizarre costumes withdrawing money for the tickets!

Queuing up to enter State Street. Gosh, I need to pay 7 dollars to walk on State Street! Can you believe that?

Once, the poor dead young man entered tot he party, He found all his long lost friends!

If you still remember your childhood bedtime stories, you should know them! Mr Wollie and Mr Yakkie! (If I did not spell their names wrongly!)

Next, we have the teenage mutant ninja turtles! I'm not sure if they are still in their teens!

I don't have Play Station, I don't have Nintendo Wii! But I still like Super Mario!

This world is magical!

I met Ron and Harry, they were looking for Professor Dumbledore.....

Here he is! He's just too magical! Even when I took a picture with him, the background just gone blur!

With just one click, Professor Dumbledore transformed into a mushroom man! (I love this costume!)

With another click, the mushroom man became the President of the United States - Obama!

We should have a pause on magical world, let us move on to the cartoons and movies world!

Scooby DooBie Doobie Where are you.......

I don't think you will have the chance to see Saw and Snow White both in a scene!

A representative from Sesame Street! Cookie Monster!

Bugs Bunny! Where's your carrot!

Monster INC............

No beauties! But we have the beast!

Go Spartanssssssssssssssss

The incredibles!

Scissors man! Ow... I miss this movie!

The Simpsons Family! But I could only find Homer!

The big bad Wolf! Beware of the wolf little red riding hood!

Last but not least, My idol! KENNY from SOUTH PARK!

Let's move on to the "Sexay" world!

Just look at their long long legs!

It was freaking below 1 degree! I wonder how they could stand such freezing weather!

I'll kill myself if I have a maid like him or her! wauahahahahahahaha

A naked hot country singer! (Again, can someone please tell me how they could stand in such cold weather?)

Time for the innovative nominees............

The pinkish Flamingos!

The gargantuan walking skeleton!

The walking TI 9 Calculator!


My long lost friend who faced the same inccident!

The pumpkin man!

The guy who has just gotten back from taufan!

The road blocks!

The hateful H1N1 virus and the likeful nurse!

The poor chopped headed man!

Walking facebook!

The naked guy who is going to face........ (scroll down).................

Jesus on judgement day! wuahahahahahahahahahahaha

And the best innovative costume award goes to the Police Officers! Wait a minute, their are the real cops!

We had Third Eye Blind performing for the freak fest! Rock to hell!

There were over 44000 people on state street celebrating halloween! WOW! AWESOME!

Met up with Seniors and Inti friends!

Another group picture of the Malaysians!

I had another great and awesome night at FreakFest! It was truly eye opening which I won't get to experience it if I'm not in Madison! Now, I truly understand the meaning of MAD TOWN! MADISON ROCKS!


2 people were enlightened!:

hing said...

Halloween is so fun! too bad tat we dun hv such celebration in the street here! wakaka. Impressive make up yet very dirty... tsk tsk tsk...anyway, ga yao in ur watever tests, homework tat drive u crazy! FIGHTING!

Anonymous said...

wow.... it seems like u quite enjoy ur life in US... celebrate halloween in US is better thn malaysia... lol.... take care....