Raya cum Mooncake Festival 2009 !h

My first time celebrating Raya and Mooncake festival in Madison.

Thought it will be lonely for this festivals due to the absent of my family and friends. However, I managed to make my life here as interesting as possible!

Raya in Madison!

MSA ( Malaysian Student Association ) had organized a Raya celebration
n here in Madison! Since we have quite a big number or Malaysian Students here, all of us
gathered and celebrated Raya joyfully!

On our way to celebrate raya....

Meet Up with other Malaysians......

Meeting up with MORE Malaysians..............

In the Auditorium........

I can't believe that I can get Satay here in the States...... YEAH!

More desserts.......... yummy!

Air Bandung? Izzit!!!!! Correct me if I'm wrong!

Other dishes...... Curry beef, chicken, ketupat.... and etc

I'm satisfied with all the home-cooked food! Thanks Seniors!

Had A Blast Raya with Seniors and fellow Malaysians...............

Shopping Trip with a scrumptious lunch!

It was mooncake festival, I decided to threat myself better ! I went shopping and had a really fine lunch at Chilis!

I was wondering how different Chilis in Madison in comparison to Chilis in Malaysia! They should serve the same dishes! I was hoping to get my all time favorite dish - Lamb Shoulder serve with mouth watering Mash Potatoes.

Sadly, I did not see lamb Shoulder in the menu! I ordered Fried Steak since I have never tried this before!

I was just lucky to get extra fries because the waiter actually made an mistake in my orders!

A ZOOOOOOooooooom in view of my fried Steak!

Hui Chin ordered hmm..... I can;t remember the name of this dish but its fish!

In Malaysia, My friend and I always order Chocolate Molten Cake for dessert! This time here in Madison, I ordered White chocolate which we can't get in Malaysia! Taste heavenly!

Jom pergi Shopping.................. my initially plan was to get winter clothing! I changed once I stepped into Arbercombie & Fitch outlet!

I need to go shopping once again to get my winter clothing! Seriously! I need winter clothing!

Mooncake Festival!

I seriously miss my mum cook for sure! Back in Malaysia, my mum will cook a full table of delicious food to celebrate mooncake Festival! Then, we will perform our family tradition which is performing a virtual praying ceremony for the Moon! Then it will be my favorite time - playing lantern! Kids will play with their lantern and adults will grab their chance to chit chat with each other.

In Madison, I won't have the luxury life anymore! I won't get my food in just a moan of hunger!

However, thanks to senior! I felt like home during the celebration!

Before, we entered the auditorium!

Taking pictures with juniors!

My hair is just too oily! Ewwwwwwwwww

When we entered into the auditorium, the lights were off!

Such a beautiful scene with colorful lanterns!

Whit Ni, the talented girl who can make brownies! wuahahahahahahahaha

Even though, we are in the states, we can still get mookcake! I still prefer Malysia's mooncake! Especially the pandan flavor! Can someone send me some mooncakes from Malaysia?

Well I think that's all for this entry! I should stuck my head with my homework now!

月亮圆,月亮圆, 月亮照在我的家 。。。。。。

祝大家 中秋节 快了 !

Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri kepada kawan-kawanku !

8 people were enlightened!:

mintshung said...

eh why you wear that spec de? or frame only? very 不伦不类 lor.....
hahah you still better than me...
see my blog how i celebrate my mid-autumn...
take care in states

hing said...

aiya ah voo, those specs are in trend now la. u r too old to accept the style is it? wakakakaka.

n Tzun, Msia chilis do serve white choc molten cake too! but we didnt try tat cos we all think tat choc still the best! wahaha.

Anyway, good tat u enjoyed ur mooncake + raya there! All the best to u in ur work eh! gayao gayao

Ah Tzun Zai said...

By the way, Do I look nice in those shirts?????

Got white chocalate meh????

Adeline Chang said...

not bad~~
as u can celebrate both festival which i also never thought that u can have it so well over there!!
amazing!! bravo!!
this year i tried 2 new flavours of mooncake..
lemon green tea and "si met lai cha" mooncake!! very very very nice!!

mintshung said...

maybe im really too old dy lorr...haizzz

hanyi said...

Hahaha~Hing a...That kind of spec started its trend because of ME!!!
Wuahaha...When I wore that, people laugh at me...See...Hahaha
Any tzun...I never seen you and your GF take photos together eh~Show me eh~~I can Tumpang happy ma~~

Anonymous said...

ah tzun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ah Tzun Zai said...

Hanyi: really wanna see her in person so badly??? wuahahahahahahahahaha

Anonymous: Who r u?????????????????????????????