5 people were enlightened!

What a wonderful day!

Hmm......... I utilized my Thursday well!

I woke up early in the morning around 8.30 to be prepared and had breakfast with Hing, Siah, Ade and Ah Khen! The one (Yapp) who suggested us to have breakfast earlier was sick and cannot make it!

I did not take any picture while we were having breakfast because we were too busy eating!

Therefore, Let's jump to our next activity!

Siah's house was running out of vege, that is why we accompanied him to Tai Chung Supermarket to stock in some vege! For our surprise, we saw Milo car outside the supermarket serving free Milo! Of course, we did not miss a chance to take one!

Ade was too thirsty until she covered half of her face with the Milo cup! Ah Khen and me were the only normal one!

So many options, which one to choose from? Hing was giving her opinion to Siah!

They look alike, they even pose alike! GOSH~~~~~~~

Since we were doing grocery shopping, Hing came out with an idea which is Main Masak Masak!

Ade wanted to make 汤圆 while Hing wanted to cook Campell mushroom soup with condensed milk!

Look at Siah and Hing, busy stirring here and there!

What was Ade's job? What was my job then?

Do you know what is this? Flour? lol! We use this thing to make 汤圆!

Ade and I were too delightful making 汤圆! You can just see how delightful we were from our faces!

We made a lot of shapes of 汤圆, not the mundane shape which is circle! I made star shape, pyramid shape and cylindrical shape of 汤圆!

Wait, let's see how was Siah and Hing doing!

Creamy! Creamy! Too creamy for me! lol Too concentrated! Though, it tasted fine!

What about my 汤圆? Siah and Ade said that the 汤圆will go back to the circle shape when u boiled it with water! But I do not trust them at all! I have faith within myself!

Watch this! My star shape 汤圆 is still in its original shape! Succeed!

Then we pour some 红豆冰 into the 汤圆zzzzz! Yummy!

Hing brought Maggie from her house and some other dishes! There we had a fulling lunch with super duper creamy mushroom soup and 汤圆 with 红豆冰!

After we had done with our lunch, it is time to clean up everything! Siah and Ade were washing plates! Hing was gone for her job! Ah Tzun was the photographer to take every single moment of the day!

Coming up next.......... will be..............................

To be continued!

7 people were enlightened!


I'm so frustrated with Blogger Upload Image thingy, it took years for me to upload just one picture! URGH, I have no idea which one should be blamed? Up loader? Internet connection? No matter what, it makes me feel burden to post a blog! Never mind, I won't give up posting up blogs!

Let's move on to David's 'surprise' birthday party!

David Vun!

Happy Birthday Superman! Hope you like the cake we bought although I don't really like it!

The cake looks abnormal because of me! It was a rainy night, I was in a rush, and That's why I fell and spoiled the cake even though I tried to protect it as well as I can!

We went to the new karaoke place to celebrate David's birthday! Look, Siah is singing and Yapp is sms-ing her Wan Sin! lol

David with his happy birthday card!

Although, there were only four of us! We still had a great time singing ROCK songs! Shouting without any worries!

Next will be Evan's and Bobo's birthdays lol!

This time, we had lot more of friends gather around. Lunch at Ultimate and of course gossip around with Evan, Bobo, Ade, Hing, Ah Khen, Yapp, Wan Jie, VK, David, Siah, Jye and Ket Vui! What a big gathering we had!

This is the cake for both Evan and Bobo! Happy BirthdayZzzzzz

This card is for wedding couples, but Siah accidentally bought it without looking what the purpose of this card for.....! Haih, Siah........But David make some adjustment on the card!

As what Ade said earlier, only Ade, Hing and me will pose in front the camera, others will just ignore or avoid the camera! Now, this picture shows everything!

What was I doing? Really dramatic!

Next Station, mile 4 Pasar, since I'm ( I meant all of us) not full yet!

Wo Dei! I have not been eating this since April 2008! Miss you so much!

Look at Ah Khen, trying to be cute and adorable! Mission fail Ah Khen!

We were the talking about the latest gossip! Want to know it? Nudge me in MSN!

Evan and Bobo, wish both of you do well in the future! That's all!

For all people who are taking STPM, good luck and all the best! Specially for Wan jie, Ade, Ah Khen, Vk, Yong......etc! We will wait for you guys to continue our activities here in Sandakan!

2 people were enlightened!

Something to share.......

I received this email from a friend of mine, I find it interesting, what do you think?

This is a story of a 16 year-old boy from New Hampshire, England who won the World's Shortest Essay competition. He was awarded a scholarship at the University of Harvard for his imagination and humour....

Here's an example of absolute brilliance....

Shortest Essay:

An English university creative writing class was asked to write a concise essay containing the following elements:

1) Religion 2) Royalty 3) Sex 4) Mystery

The prize-winner wrote:

'My God,' said the Queen, 'I'm pregnant. I wonder who the father is'.

2 people were enlightened!

Dogs! Not mine, Hing's dogs!

Last Friday's afternoon, I went to Hing's house to get Mango Pudding from her mum!

Before, I went there, I brought along my camera because I'm going to take some pictures with Hing's dogs, not for any reasons but to make Hing miss her dogs more and jealous or envy on me! Evil me!

Front view of Hing's house! ( Revealed it for Hing's admirers out there! )

She's the one who welcomed me! lol I did not take a lot of picture with Kei Kei(If I'm not mistaken) because she is sick ( keep on coughing)!

Who is this adorable guy?

It's Ah bin! Isn't he look cute and adorable? (what's the different?) What an innocent looking pair of eyes!

Took some pictures withe playful Ah Bin!

This little naught Ah Bin wants me to touch his belly! So furry! Can't see the head lol! Where's the innocent looking pair of eyes?

Thanks for the Mango Pudding, Aunty! wuahahahahahahahahahaha

By the way, Hing! Do you miss your dog? As a friend, I'm updating your dogs' current news to you! No need to thank me!

Hmm...................................what to do next?

2 people were enlightened!


Hmm........... I'm confuse right now!

I cut my hair a week ago, however, for this very moment, my hair style is completely different from what it should be! I could not believe that there will be such a big different in just a week period!

I want to have short hair now, feel disgusted and irritated when hair in front stabbing my eye balls!

Just one week, my hair in front is starting to irritate me again! What should I do? I hate styling my hair!

Before, I forget.............

I managed to steel some times from Ade to go 'yum cha' with us! Felt guilty, because I should not keep on 'seducing' (should not use this word) her to gossip with me and Siah! I should ask her to study and be fully prepared for her STPM examination! Heard a lot, talked a lot! Yea, we should give and take equally! Can't wait for our next gathering!

Good luck for those who are taking SPM or STPM examination! All the best!

2 people were enlightened!

Sung Siew!

I was having my beauty sleep! Not until my brother woke me up to send him to our previous secondary school! Gosh, I was damn sleepy!

Reluctantly, I promised to wait for him at school as he insisted that it will be a short prize giving ceremony, and there I went..........................

Driving early in the morning with my sun glasses! Feel good to drive again!

I miss the days when I was still in Sung Siew, look at the background , not bad indeed!

Miss the days when I have to sit here and wait to receive my prize! Wait, what is Ade looking at?

I noticed that there are so unfamiliar faces (Lecturers) walking around! But I can still see some old faces like Miss Chong Yiing Yiing and Puan Leong!

Shhhhhhhhhh, I took a picture of Puan Leong! I don't think she will let me post it in my blog! Don't tell her please!

Well, Actually, I need to thank my brother for asking me to wait there just eventually provided an opportunity for me to meet my friends! And here they are.........

Vivian Kuit! ( My Ketua Kelas don't no since when!)

Ah Khen! ( No comments wuahahahaha but look skinny compare to six months ago!)

Yong Ket Kong! ( President of Sung Siew Chinese Language Association!)

Adeline! ( I want to eat 'Tong Liong Choi' wuahahahahaha)

Feel good coming back to Sandakan! Refreshing and I will have a good rest for the next two months! Yea......................!

More coming posts from Ah Tzun!

3 people were enlightened!


I was pondering whether I should post the activities before having dinner at JOGOYA!

After some brain storming, meetings and submitted some papers to don't know who they are!

Due to my laziness, I decided to write about JOGOYA only!

And here it goes...............

Last Saturday, finally, I went to JOGOYA ( Japanese Buffet) with Hing, Jaye and Alex!

What should comment about the food there? Extravagant??? With RM88++, there are still rooms for improvement! Customers will definitely wish to find scrumptious yet different food by paying such expensive ( for me) price! Well, all in all, the food, decoration and promptness of the workers are still satisfying! Wow, I'm such a critic! Now,let me narrow it down for you guys!

Be ready for some delicious foods!!!

Sashimi! Salmon, Tuna and of course Abalone! Wuahahahahahaha!
Honestly, the fresh Salmon Sashimi here will definitely melt your mouth!

Next, will be Mr Lobster! Well, for me its way too small! But still taste good!

Juicy Unagi with prawns! I love Unagi! I'm Loving it!

Abalone again! I took a lot of Abalone because I've never tried it before! However, it is not up to my expectation!

Mr Oysters! My goodness, the combination of fresh Oysters and lime is remarkable!

Hmm.... some sort of snails! Sound disgusting but taste cheezy nice! You won't feel like eating a snail instead!

My first experience eating snail!Its really delicious! Trust me!

C-O-C-O-N-U-T, coconut, I have no idea how many I've drunken but it should be more than 2!

Now, the sauce was chosen by Hing and its not nice! Its your fault Hing! wuahahahahahaha

Wow, numerous of food! I'm amazed!

Dessert time!

Which one should I choose? Tiramisu? Cheese Cake? Chocolate cake? Green tea cake? Confusing!

Let's try tiramisu and these France style pudding! Taste awesome!

Other type of cakes! The egg tart= not nice! The pink one= I hate pink! wuahahaha

ICE-Cream! You can't go wrong with Haagen -Daz! They are irresistible!

Need to say millions thanks to Hing, Jaye and Alex for bringing me such a wonderful experience!

Thanks guys! I'm going back Sandakan tomorrow! See you guys next year!

By the way, This is my new hair cut! Like it? Dislike it? Who cares!


Because of you, I've lost money for the expensice price
Because of you, I've tried Abalone
Because of you, I've tried Haagen Daz
Because of you, I've eaten snails
Because of you, I've had stomach
Because of you!