Final is around the corner ( starting from today actually!)

I do not have the time to update my blog with last week activities!

Too many things need to be studied! ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!

Wish me luck people! lol! For my finals, for my whatever it is!

I do need your wishes! lol

By the way, I just want to express my discomfort!

It is damn hot now! Hot like hell! Sweating like hell! I'm feeling like an ice melting in the middle of Sahara Desert!

What happen to the weather?????

Staying inside my room is like sitting inside a sauna!

A sign of Global Warming???????

If the answer is yes, I regret for not contributing or supporting Earth Hour!

Shame on you Mr. Wong Kia Tzun!

2 people were enlightened!:

Viv said...

I am ENLIGHTENED! U Are the best!

Ah Tzun Zai said...

Vivi Ur the only and 1st one!
So terharu! lol